Saturday, November 27, 2010

Final week.....

Well we finally made it through the thesis.   It was alot of work, but I feel that my project turned out pretty good.  My wonderful daughter-in-law proofed it and offered suggestions for improvement.   I learned alot too.

I think I grew alot this term in regards to my writing skills.  I think that I might like to pursue this avenue somehow.  Writing the blog was a totally new experience.  I was a little intimidated at first because  when you write a blog, you are putting yourself out there for strangers to read.  I'm not worried anymore.....I like writing and informing "my readers" of what I have to say and I hope they find it interesting.

   To my classmates:  I have enjoyed writing for you as well as reading your blogs. 
One of my hobbies is I want to share one last time, an interesting cloud formation photo I took on June 23rd (2010) as my grandchildren and I watched an impending storm pass over us in Gillette, Wyoming

Best of luck to you all!  God Bless and take care!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unit 9

This has been an interesting unit!   I am working on two writing papers, of course for two different classes.  I feel very overwhelmed right now, but I now after Tuesday at midnight, (10 pm my time) I will either feel very relieved or disappointed that I didn't get everything written that I had hoped to.    I never in my wildest dreams, thought that I would actually enjoy writing.  This class has brought out a side of me that I am happy to say "I like"!    I have really enjoyed working on my thesis, particularly because I think it has brought me closer to my grandson.  He is just amazed that I would care enough about his juvenile diabetes to write a paper on it. When I sent him an email asking him if I could interview him for my thesis, he was flattered.   Little does he know how much his grandma  truly loves him!   I am looking forward to the conclusion of this term.  Not because I haven't enjoyed it, but because I am tired.......I need a small reprieve so I can hit it hard again next term and reach my final goal....GRADUATION!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Unit 8

Hello everyone!    Unit 8 is almost complete and two more weeks to go before this term is up.   The peer reviews are in and I have received some great tips on how to improve my thesis.    I appreciate the time that you have taken to review and comment.

I have really enjoyed this class.  I never thought I would enjoy writing as much as I do.

Good luck to everyone on your final project.....I am off to work on some more research!   Stay warm!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy November! Don't forget to change your clocks tonight!

This past week has been one of trials....two of my dear, dear friends lost their respective fathers to death.   I guess they aren't really lost....they are in heaven with God....but my friends are lost in their grief.   Sadly, both men died of heart attacks.   I have been emotionally drained this past week. Trying to be there for my friends while tending to my responsibilities at home and work and keeping up with my school work.   Getting any homework completed had been difficult to say the least. 

I finally got my draft posted.  I still need to find some more information on stem cell research for juvenile diabetes.  I have come across some excellent resources, but they are books that won't get here in time to finish my thesis.  So I will be taking my lunch hour on monday to check out books at the library.  I have certainly learned alot about Juvenile Diabetes and I now have a profound amount of respect for my daughter in law, as she manages to take such excellent care of her son Jared while running a business and a home.  Jared's diabetes is still fluctuating alot.   

My son recently told me that they are saving all they can so they can afford to take Jared to Germany where there is some excellent stem cell transplants going on now for treating and perhaps one day, curing juvenile diabetes.    

I can only hope and pray for my dear little grandson!

Good luck to you all on your thesis papers...I am looking forward to reading them all!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!    It has been a fabulous day here in wonderful snow here today! 
No little ghosts or goblins knocking on my door yet.

How's the thesis going???   Not so hot today.....I seem to have a brain block....everything I read and place in my outline just doesn't seem to sound all that great.  If it wasn't so late in the term, I would change my topic.  But, I will plug away and get it done!

Monday, October 25, 2010

snowy weather.....already??

This week started out cold!   Our beautiful fall weather has given way to the coming winter....I am not looking forward to winter, or the cold, but what do you do when you live in Wyoming?
We have had a fabulous fall with warm temperatures and the slowly changing leaves ushering in the end of the summer harvest.    I had to drive out of town on Sunday for work and got a great view of an impending snow storm over the mountains as well as the gentle changing of the leaves.  I will post 2 of my photos for you to enjoy.

My hectic schedule and family time is making it difficult somedays to get my brain going on my thesis.   When I get my cherished quiet time, I want to take a nap...go figure!  But I have to fight the sleep and write, write, write!   I am looking forward to the day that I have my thesis completed....too many thoughts on my topic swirling around in my brain.  How do you quiet the craziness and grab the good parts to write about?   Any ideas from my followers?   I would appreciate any feedback.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What a crazy week!

I'm trying to get through all my assignments and stay sane at work.   Looking back, I really wish I had all the time I did last year at this time for my school work, but I am thankful that I have a job.

  I just have to learn how to "juggle" a little better.

Reading all the articles I printed out on Juvenile Diabetes is so time consuming....but very interesting.  I hope I can whittle down the information to something interesting.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Thesis topic

I've finally nailed down my thesis topic:
Juvenile diabetes and stem cell research for finding a cure.
I chose this topic because my 10 year old grandson nearly died last year after going into a diabetic coma.   We didn’t know he had developed juvenile diabetes, although looking back, there were some hints of symptoms, but since no one in our family had juvenile diabetes, we didn’t see the symptoms until after the fact.
I know that my grandson,  has had to endure a lot of changes in his short life.  Some things he just doesn’t understand.   His life is a constant juggling act.  He has asked the question: “What did I do to cause this?”  This question just breaks my heart, because Jared is the sweetest and kindest young man you could ever meet.  And he loves to race his dragster!

I will  post a photo here of Jared and his race car.   He is my hero....he takes this horrific change to his life in stride and never complains.  He is an extraordinary child! I posted 2!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Birthday week....

This week was my birthday...On Thursday the 7th!    I don't feel any older...some days just a little wiser...and some days, just tired.   My wonderful husband gave me a Kindle!    It was on my wish list, but I wouldn't have imagined that he would buy one this year.  You see, this past year has been trying.....I had been unemployed for nearly 2 years.  I finally was offered a job in late August.....three days after my husband was laid off from his job.  My unemployment had run out and we were very worried how we were ever going to keep up with the bills.   My husband worked some extra hours as a handyman so he could buy the kindle.   He is such a sweetheart!    The Kindle is wonderful!   Did you know you can even download FREE books?  The Bible is one of them!    I have not personally had time to read any of the books yet on my Kindle...too busy with working full time and school....but my husband is sure enjoying it!  

As for this birthday week...I feel extra blessed!  I received many birthday wishes and blessings on facebook and text messages!  Some from friends and family that I had not heard from for years.... yes, I feel very blessed to have an abundance of friends,and  family members that love me.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday October 2, 2010

I just spent an incredible day with my mom!  We drove to Cheyenne and Laramie (Wyoming) for some shopping and one on one time.   My mom treated me to an early birthday present.....Lunch at Olive Garden!  :O)

The fall weather was absolutely wind, the sun was shining and the temps hovered around 78-80 degrees.  PERFECT driving  and shopping weather.

A year ago, we were scrambling to get my mom to the hospital in  Fort Collins, Colorado.  She suffered a stroke.  You would never know it today!   She is doing marvelous!....for this I thank God!